Embrace Acupuncture

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Are you timing right for fertility?

Timing is so important when it comes to fertility. 

Once released (ovulation) eggs have a life span of 12 to 24 hours, while sperm can live up to 5 days in the female reproductive tract.  

Studies show that the best time to have intercourse is two days before ovulation. 

Need some help working out when you ovulate?

Need some help regulating your cycle with Fertility Acupuncture?

When is your Fertile Window for Conception?

Once you have discovered your fertile window, you can work out when is the best time to have intercourse.  If your menstrual cycle is 28 days and you ovulate on day 14, then the most fertile days to have sex are on day 12, 13 and 14.  Having sex a few days earlier, eg on day 7 is also suggested to make sure there is fresh sperm ready for your fertile window. 

We know that most women don't ovulate on day 14 so adjustments need to be made.

For example, if you ovulate on day 20, then your most fertile days are day 18, 19 and 20.  Having sex earlier, eg on day 13 will ensure fresh sperm is ready for your fertile window. 

How do I know if I have ovulated?

The big question!

There are many tell-tale signs of ovulation, however, it can be difficult to be precise if you are not charting your basal body temperatures (BBT).  Charting for a few months before you try to conceive will give you a better idea of your fertile window. 

Refer here for instructions on how to chart your temperatures.
We can’t recommend this enough for speeding up the fertility process.

The most common Fertile Signs include:

-     STRETCHY cervical fluid (like egg whites)

-      Cervix position changes

-       Increased libido

-       Mood changes

-       BBT chart showing temp increase during ovulation

Other signs include:

-       Ovarian pain

-       Breast discomfort

-       Cravings

-       Breast changes

How can irregular periods or Poly Cystic Ovaries affect fertility?

If your cycle isn’t regular or you have Poly Cystic Ovaries or PCOS, it may be harder to pinpoint your fertile window.  Acupuncture is great at regulating the menstrual cycle.  We have many years of focusing on women’s health and can help you through your fertility journey

What else can you do?

If you know you’re trying in your fertile window, but you are still not getting pregnant it would be wise to look into the sperm health. Sperm is 50% of the fertile equation and you need fertile sperm for conception. You also want to make sure that your hormone panel & blood tests are all in range, your endometrial lining is healthy and your menstrual cycle is great. 

Most importantly have patience. Conception takes time. 

Like some assistance with your fertility?