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5 tips for clear, glowing skin

Maintaining clear, glowing skin can be a challenge, but with the right approach, it's achievable. In this post, we share practical tips to help you keep your skin healthy and radiant.

See more on how we work with skin health with Cosmetic Acupuncture.

Skin need some love? Come see us.

The skin in Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine, we focus meticulously on the details to understand the fabric of each person’s body as a whole.

When it comes to skin health, we assess much more than the presence of a skin condition. We learn about the body’s internal processes through the skin’s colour, texture, temperature, and specific locations of blemishes or wrinkles.
Additionally, we consider how your skin changes with the seasons, using Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to support and harmonise these natural transitions.

How to achieve clear glowing skin

1. Hydration

Autumn is a season of dryness, which affects the Lung system directly. You may find your skin becomes dull or flaky at this time of year.

Winter is associated with the element of Water and the Kidneys. Often in Winter we are in front of drying heaters and dont crave as much water as in the warmer months.

Make sure to drink plenty of water in the cooler months, in sips throughout the day (don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink) and hydrate from the outside in with a moisturiser such as shea butter or vitamin E cream. Though applying moisture to the skin surface will provide some relief, it’s more effective to hydrate internally.

Playing catch up requires more time and effort than prevention.

2. Sleep

Especially important for cell repair and healing. Try for 7-8 hours per night. Sleep is essential to replenish yin and fluid – without this our bodies can easily heat up and we become more susceptible to inflammatory conditions.

Struggle with sleep? See more on how we work with Acupuncture for Insomnia.

3. Fresh food

Nourish yourself with plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially celery and dark leafy greens which are helpful in purifying and detoxification. A colourful plate is a healthy plate – aim to include some red, orange, yellow and green vegetables each day to ensure you’re receiving a broad nutrient profile in vitamins and minerals. Avoid alcohol and greasy or spicy foods, especially if you’re prone to redness and itching. Refined sugar and processed foods are inflammatory and should be avoided.

4. Stress reduction

Increased stress reduces our ability to repair and is reflected directly on the skin.

Acupuncture is great for ongoing stress reduction!

Acupuncture reduces stress by stimulating specific points on the body, leading to the release of endorphins and serotonin. It also regulates the nervous system, lowering cortisol levels and promoting relaxation and well-being.

In our Cosmetic Acupuncture sessions, we always combine stress reducing body points with points for your skin. Thats a two in one!

5. Keep it simple

Cleansing dirt and make-up off the face is important to allow it to heal.

However, be wary of overzealous cleansing and harsh chemicals stripping the skin of natural oils.

  • Coconut oil is natural broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial and great for soothing itching, inflammation and dryness.

  • Jojoba oil on a cotton pad is a wonderful make-up remover as it will dissolve even oil-based make-ups but remains soothing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory to leave on as a moisturiser overnight.

Incorporating these practices into your routine can make a significant difference!

See more on how we work with skin health and see our latest blogs for the best skin tips.

For personalized support and to enhance your skin health, come see us.
Let’s work together to achieve your skin goals naturally.