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How Chinese Medicine Can Transform Your Digestion and Energy

Are you struggling with low energy, digestive issues, or feeling off balance?

See how the principles of Chinese medicine can help you revitalize your digestion, enhance your well-being, energy and restore harmony to your body and mind.

See more about how we work with Gut Health in Chinese Medicine.

Ready to feel your best? Try these Chinese medicine tips for a happier, healthier gut!

Why Digestive Health Matters

Chinese medicine sees the digestive system as central to the production of usable energy in our systems.

Food as medicine is not a new concept – more than 60 per cent of our immune system originates in the gut,

and the connection with the vagus nerve physically links mental and emotional stability with a healthy digestive system. When it works well we feel nourished, full of life and emotionally and physically satiated.

When it doesn’t, we feel lethargic, irritable, inflamed and emotionally fragile, not to mention the physical symptoms of an irritated digestive system.

Instead of shiny, clear hair, skin and nails, we might find these are brittle, dry, blemished and lacklustre.

A few simple changes

Could mean the world of difference in getting more zest out of life!

More than just eating the right foods, what we glean from our diet in terms of nutrients is determined by how well we process what we consume.

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I frequently meet patients who express frustration over the fact they eat very well, yet have poor energy, can’t seem to shift weight, or have specific digestive concerns.

Warmer is better

In the Chinese medicine, food needs to be warmed to body temperature before it can be processed.

Something cooked and warm is more nourishing than a cold or raw meal, especially if the digestive system is already compromised (leaky gut or digestive disease).

Think of your digestive organs as a pot on a stove: the warm burner represents your digestive ‘fire,’

and the steam symbolizes the energy your body uses. Cold foods and drinks can dampen this fire and slow digestion.

The digestive energies need to be warm and moist to reap the benefits of the foods and drinks we consume.

Cold beverages and ice cream after a meal = throwing a wet blanket on your digestive fire. Slowing the digestive process and over time can weaken digestive energy considerably.

To improve digestion, avoid cold and raw foods, even in the warmer months.

Lightly steam vegetables before placing them on salads. Sip room temperature or hot tea or water while you eat.

Nourish your gut

For healthy eating, balance is crucial. Anything too extreme can be detrimental (eg. restrictive dietary regimes)

  • Choose foods that are as close to whole as possible.

  • Eat in abundance fruits, vegetables, whole-grains and cereals, nuts, seeds and plenty of protein

  • Select produce that is in season – it’s likely to be fresher, less modified and more nutritious.

  • Limit processed and packaged food, trans-fats, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

  • Take the time to sit and enjoy your meal.

  • Eat balanced, in season, mindfully and truly nourish yourself.

Improving your digestion can make a big difference in how you feel day-to-day.

Bringing these principles into your routine, you might find yourself with more energy and a greater sense of well-being.

See more on how we work with Gut Health

Also see more helpful blogs and tips.

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