What’s your skin telling you?

In Chinese Medicine, your skin gives you so many clues about what’s happening in your body.

The beauty of our medicine is we use Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine to treat both inside and out in every session!

See more about how we work with the skin & Cosmetic Acupuncture.

Does your skin need some love?

What’s causing your skin issues?

The skin gives us clues to what is out of balance in the body and is generally part of your bigger health picture.

For example;

  • Did you know that flushed cheeks in the afternoon might be a sign of Yin deficiency (not enough coolness/moisture) in your body?

  • Ever notice a difference in your skin the day after drinking wine or eating cheese? (this might be a Gut Health issue)

  • That monthly break out on your chin? (this might be part of a bigger Hormonal Health issue)

Skin Health in Chinese Medicine

At Embrace Acupuncture, we spend a great deal of time focusing on details, to understand the fabric of each person’s body as a whole.

When it comes to skin health, we assess far more than just whether or not a patient has a skin condition.

We learn about the body’s internal processes from what’s reflected in the skin’s

  • colour

  • texture

  • temperature

  • specific locations of blemishes or moles

    It all forms part of your health picture and our Chinese Medicine Diagnosis.

How nature affects your skin

In Taoist philosophy:

  • Spring belongs to the Wood Element and Liver system.

  • Summer belongs to the Fire Element and the Heart system.

  • Late summer belongs to the Earth Element and Spleen/digestive elements.

  • Winter belongs to the Water Element and the Kidney system.

We’ve just come out of Autumn, which belongs to the Metal element and the Lung system, which opens to the skin, nose and throat.
Because it is exposed directly to the external environment through the respiratory system, the Lung is seen to be fragile and delicate, easily affected by change.

In Chinese Medicine, the Lung’s chief functions are to govern the distribution of vital nutrients, particularly fluids, to where they are needed in the body; and form what is known as Wei Qi or defensive energy on the skin. This protects us from harmful pathogens and plays a pivotal role in immunity.

The skin in the physical sense, is one of our first lines of defence against potential bacterial, viral, fungal infections and other microbes. If the Lung system is faltering, skin may be dry in areas, oily in others and we may be susceptible to allergies or readily contract infections.

The Lung’s partner organ, also attributed to the Metal element, is the Large Intestine.
Here enters the other major role of the skin – removal of waste and toxins.

As our largest organ, the skin is an effective vessel for the body to remove waste. This yin-yang partnership of Lung and Large Intestine explains the connection between digestive health, particularly waste removal, and the health of the skin.

Many people being treated for chronic constipation, for example, find that as their bowel motions become more frequent and consistent, their skin begins to clear up.

A clean diet is ultra important to the health of our skin. The more rubbish we feed ourselves the more the skin becomes a facility for waste removal.

Facial Mapping in Chinese Medicine

Ruri Facial Diagnosis

Just as it forms a barrier between our insides and the outside world, the skin is a reflective surface for what’s happening inside the body.

As skilled practitioners, we can examine the skin on the face and ascertain the location and type of imbalances which may be occurring inside the body. Emotional state, stress, hormonal imbalances all show themselves on the skin surface.

  • Under the base of the nose & around the mouth reflects the Large Intestine which in turn gives us information about digestion + how the sinuses are draining

  • Under the chin reflects hormonal changes and the pelvic region

  • Directly under the eyes gives an indication of the strength of the Kidneys, another filtering and detoxifying organ

  • The bony part of the eye socket under the eyes corresponds to the Stomach and early digestion

  • A large crease between the eyebrows can indicate stuck energy through the Liver system, which is easily aggravated by stress and anger

Smile lines are evidence of a life well lived and are no cause for concern!

The beauty of our medicine is we get to the underlying causes so multiple symptoms resolve at the one time, saving you time and money.

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can help correct a variety of health and skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, shingles and hives. See more here.

Like some skin help?


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