Acupuncture for turning Breech Babies

At Embrace Acupuncture we see work with women from preconception, to the two week wait, through pregnancy and post partum too!

Our gentle Acupuncture & Integrative Chinese Medicine approach means we have the tools to support women for a variety of symptoms that may arise in pregnancy including fatigue, pain, sleep, digestive issues and even labour induction.

See more info on how we do Pregnancy Acupuncture here.

Like some pregnancy support including for breech position?

Breech Positions in Australia

If your baby currently is bottom or feet down, rather than head down, you’re not alone!

Up to 7% of babies are in breech position by 32 weeks down to about 4% by the end of the pregnancy in Australia.

In America, 90% of breech pregnancies are born via cesarian birth (with similar numbers in Australia) which can lead to longer recovery times post-birth, extra help needed to lift and care for your baby the first 6 weeks, among other things!

Some babies do independently turn themselves around to be head down by the end of pregnancy but others need a little help.

Acupuncture Research for Breech Position

The most common Chinese Medicine treatment for turning breech position is using a combination of Acupuncture & the application of Moxibustion (holding a herbal ‘cigar’ to specific Acupuncture points to help turn babies).

This combination means we can not only work on the breech position but also use points to relax you, and soften your hip muscles to allow more space for babies to turn.

  • This 2021 Systematic Review of the current literature found “Compared to control, moxibustion significantly increased cephalic (head down) presentation at birth”

  • This 2023 Cochrane Review found “moderate certainty evidence that moxibustion before 37 weeks of pregnancy probably reduces the chance of breech presentation at birth and the need for oxytocin use during birth”

When is the best time to do Acupuncture for Breech Position?

The best time to help turn breech position babies is when there is enough space for them to turn, but not so much space that they can spin back.

While it is possible for babies to turn at any time, the most optimal time to try to turn them is between 33-36 weeks before they get too big.

What’s involved?

At Embrace, we use a combination of in-clinic Acupuncture & Moxibustion (moxa) treatments and give you the tools to continue at home Moxa daily for 10 - 14 days.

Of course, we are always treating the whole body and person in front of us.
If you have other symptoms or pregnancy niggles we work to do those in our beautiful relaxing sessions too.

A total win-win.

In addition to Acupuncture, what else can I do?

Before an ECV (see below) at 37+ weeks, you may like to try particular exercises (Spinning Babies is great) or a Webster Technique-trained Chiropractor such as our friends at Blossom Chiro.

ECV (External Cephalic Version) is a physical attempt to turn the baby at 37+ weeks. It has a 40-60% success rate, with 1 in 200 attempts resulting in an emergency cesarian.

If you’d like to try Acupuncture for breech position, come see us.


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