Acupuncture for turning Breech Babies
Up to 7% of babies are in Breech Position by 32 weeks and with the current standard of care involving ECV manual turning or cesarian birth, many people are looking for an alternative!
We cover the latest research on Acupuncture for Breech Position, whats involved and when the best time to do it is
What I found most helpful in my pregnancy
In my job, I’m beyond lucky to have access to so much Chinese Medicine wisdom and Functional Medicine information which has helped me so much.
I’m also incredibly grateful to have worked with so many strong, smart, incredible women who have shared their discoveries with me too.
Now I get to pass them on to you.
Congrats, you're pregnant! Now what?
Whether you’ve been trying for a while or not at all, congratulations on getting to this point!
If you are / thinking about seeing a Chinese Med Practitioner, we recommend weekly Pregnancy Acupuncture sessions until your 13w scan to keep you as calm and well as possible!
What else do you need to do?
Part 1: Help please! Am I ovulating?
We see a lot of people with concerns around fertility so one question we hear a lot is, “Have I ovulated yet?”
We think that’s a pretty fair question! You need to know so you know when to try (and when you can stop trying!).
Read on for more info!
How to Choose the Best Prenatal Vitamin
With so many choices and so much competing advice out there, how do you know which multivitamins to choose? Easy! We’ve put together a checklist.
It doesn’t get much easier than a checklist! Read this article to find out more.
Ladies, Let's Talk Spotting
Let’s get intimate and talk about spotting. In this article, we’re going to answer all those burning questions you never knew you always wanted to ask. Come visit us to check on your hormonal health.
Pregnant Ladies! Self-Care for Carpal Tunnel
So what is Carpal Tunnel during pregnancy? What can you do to get some relief at home? In this article, we talk about Carpal Tunnel and how you can relieve carpal tunnel symptoms in pregnancy.
Pregnant Ladies! Self Care for Morning Sickness
Looking for that pregnancy glow, but just not feeling it?Here is some hot tips to help manage some of the not-so-glamorous aspects of pregnancy, like Heartburn and Morning Sickness
Ways to reduce pain in pregnancy
Are there natural ways to treat pregnancy pain?
Looking for self-care tips for pregnancy pain relief? We share everything you need to know about self-care, cupping, Acupuncture for back pain in pregnancy and drug free self pain management.
What is the Best Prenatal Vitamin?
*updated March 2025. Which prenatal vitamin is best? There are so so many prenatals out there in Australia! How do you know if the one you’re taking is the right one? It’s easy! Here’s our simple checklist for picking a great prenatal multivitamin.