Chinese Medicine at Home
Here’s our absolute favourite at home Chinese Medicine remedies you can do to ease:
Period Pain & PMS
Gut Health
Why do BBT temperature charting?
Heard of BBT temperature charting?
Wondering why you should do it? Temperature charting tells you so much about ovulation, predicting when your period will come and can give you insights to underlying health issues.
It’s an amazingly cheap tool to get real time info about your health and is highly recommended for those wanting to improve their hormonal health or fertility (even if doing IVF!)
Coming off hormonal contraception? What to expect
We work with women at all stages of their hormonal journeys.
Some are thinking about having a family soon while others are wanting to take a break from often a long journey on hormonal contraception.
Here’s what to expect when coming off hormonal contraception, when and what to test if your periods don’t come back and how to smooth this hormonal transition
How to improve your symptoms of low iron deficiency anemia
We see a lot of women with Blood deficiency at our clinic.
In Western terms, Blood deficiency equates to either anemia or being on the way to anemia.
Blood deficient symptoms include: insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, scanty periods, dry brittle skin and nails, hair loss
Here’s what helps treat symptoms of Blood deficiency
Endometriosis and Depression: The Genetic Link Has Been Discovered
It’s always a great day for us when Western Medical studies give us evidence of new disease connections, so we have written this article to share this news with you.
Ladies, Let's Talk Spotting
Let’s get intimate and talk about spotting. In this article, we’re going to answer all those burning questions you never knew you always wanted to ask. Come visit us to check on your hormonal health.
Why Is My Period Early Again?
Is this a question you’ve found yourself asking frequently? For some of you, it feels like as soon as your period is finished, you’re only a week or two from getting your next one. On top of that, you might find your PMS symptoms are starting a week or more before your period is expected. None of this is much fun at all! Read this article to find out more:
Irregular periods? Pre-period symptoms lasting ages? How to know what's wrong, speed up progress and natural treatment options
Irregular cycles? PCOS? PMS? Or symptoms lasting for half a month? This isn’t just blog about if Acupuncture & Herbs may be able to help you. This is about simply and easily figuring out what’s wrong exactly, speeding up your treatment results and tracking your progress!