Coming off hormonal contraception? What to expect

In our clinic we see women at all stages of their hormonal journeys. Some are thinking about having a family soon and are wanting to be in the healthiest position possible. Others are wanting to take a break from often a long journey on hormonal contraception.

See more on how we work and use Acupuncture for Hormonal Health and for Fertility.

Whatever your hormonal needs are, we’re here to help.

Reasons for stopping hormonal contraception:

  • Wanting to balance hormones and prepare your body for fertility.

  • Feeling worse on hormone contraception than you did before you went on it. Your emotions may be up or down and or your periods are heavy.

  • Want to take a natural approach to health and connect with your body’s natural cycles and wisdom.

What to expect when coming off the pill/mirena/implanon

Symptoms coming off OCP (oral contraceptive pill) or post IUD or Implanon removal can vary from woman to woman.

For some it is easy and the menstrual cycle returns without much hindrance and fertility or normal hormonal functions happen with ease. For others, it can be a really uncomfortable ride and leave you with a range of hormonal irregularities. You may feel like going back on hormonal contraception rather than trying to transition off it.

It’s important to remember that your body is detoxing from the synthetic hormones while your real hormones re-establish their natural flow.

Symptoms you may experience post Pill include:


o Heavy periods

o Painful periods

o Late or Irregular periods

o Amenorrhoea (missing a period).
It can take 3 to 6 months for periods to become regular or even longer.

o Post-pill acne

o Hormonal Headaches

o Hair loss

o Facial hair

o Mood swings & Anxiety


o Hypothyroid

Implanon/Nexplanon side effects of removal include:

  • Irregular periods

  • Pelvic cramping and pain, 

  • Migraines, 

  • Severe mood swings, 

  • Depression, 

  • Anxiety, 

  • Acne 

  • Spontaneous weight loss

A cluster of side effects are Mirena removal is known as “Mirena Crash” and can include the following:

  • Pain and cramping

  • Bleeding

  • Mood swings

  • Nausea

  • Breast tenderness

  • Passing blood clots

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Weight gain

  • Reduced sex drive

    Not all doctors agree that these symptoms are linked to the removal of the Mirena and are considered to be related to hormonal imbalances.

Missing period? Here’s what to test for

It’s normal for your body to take a little bit to start regulating hormones by itself again.

If you have come off the Pill for 3 months or more and have still not regained your period the following tests are suggested:

1. Pregnancy test - gotta rule it out!

2. Female hormone panel including FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone & Prolactin

3. Thyroid panel TSH, T3, T3, Thyroid antibodies

4. Testosterone

5. Iron Studies including Ferritin

6. Vitamin D

7. Zinc

If you want to know if/when you’ve ovulated and when your next period is likely to be - we highly recommend BBT temperature charting

What you can do to support yourself post Pill/Mirena/Implanon

  • Eat fresh nutritious foods and healthy fats e.g.: avocado, salmon, tuna, olive oil, nuts and eggs to help detoxify your liver & make new, real hormones

  • Sleep ideally 7-9 hours.

  • Reduce stress & coffee + add yoga, qigong and movement - stress hormones get made instead of menstrual hormones

  • Work alongside an Acupuncturist to support stabilising your menstrual cycle and assist with any uncomfortable side effects. If we can see you in the weeks before you do this, we can help make this even smoother!

See more on how we work with Hormonal Health & Fertility.

Like some help regulating your hormones?


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