Modified AIP + how to reintroduce foods

Why do Autoimmune Paleo?

AIP is a short-term elimination diet designed to identify food intolerances that may be causing inflammation & aggravating your symptoms.

Many of our people use AIP alongside Acupuncture for Gut Health, Fertility or Acupuncture for Endometriosis

It is great for:

  • poor digestive health

  • allergies

  • constant fatigue / pain

  • migraines

    It’s also great for autoimmune conditions such as:

  • Endometriosis

  • Hashimotos & Graves

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • elevated (or suspected) Natural Killer Cells and more.

    You can see research here.
    Check out more we’ve written about AIP here.

    See an entire AIP hub here

Work with us, if you’d like personalised support

Modified AIP, what’s the difference?

There’s a vast community of health practitioners around the globe who have been working with AIP for years now.

It’s been observed over the years that there are some foods in the Original/Core AIP elimination phase that are actually tolerated well by most people.

The goal of AIP is to have the most nutrient-dense, healthy AND sustainable diet, that produces the best results.

That balance is different for different people!

If you’re getting severe symptoms or blood test results, Core AIP is still recommended.

What to avoid on Modified AIP
Here’s a handy guide from
Autoimmune Wellness

What to reintroduce

How & when to reintroduce foods

Core or Modified AIP should be done for 30-90 days to allow for symptoms to reduce. If there’s no noticeable changes after 90 days, its time to troubleshoot with a professional.

Modified AIP will obviously have a different starting place for reintroduction vs Core AIP.

Starting with foods in stage 1 will most likely be well tolerated.

Steps to reintroduce foods

  • Avoid reintroducing foods when under high stress, sick, travelling or having a symptom flare

  • DOCUMENT EVERYTHING - paper journal or do it digitally. This is personalised info for healing!

  • Pick 1-2 foods for the week (ideally stage 1 foods)

  • Have a small amount, note the food, date & time. Wait a day, noting ANY or NO symptoms.

    (if you have a reaction, go back to AIP elimination foods until symptoms subside. This could be days or weeks)

  • If no issues in 24h, have a medium amount and wait 3-6 days, noting ANY reactions on day 2, day 3 & up to day 6 or note NO symptoms.

    (if you have a reaction, go back to AIP elimination foods until symptoms subside. This could be days or weeks)

  • Rinse & repeat! Yes, this takes time but it is personalised info for a well life!

    You now have info about which foods are fine for your body & which ones cause problems.

Possible Reactions / Symptoms

More info

We want you feeling as good as possible, as fast as possible.
We’ve seen great results with combining AIP, Acupuncture & Herbs.

We’re here to support your health & healing.


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