Women's Health, Fertility, Periods, Food as Medicine, Endometriosis Dr Diana Segovia Arcella Women's Health, Fertility, Periods, Food as Medicine, Endometriosis Dr Diana Segovia Arcella

How to improve your symptoms of low iron deficiency anemia

We see a lot of women with Blood deficiency at our clinic. 
In Western terms, Blood deficiency equates to either anemia or being on the way to anemia. 

Blood deficient symptoms include: insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, scanty periods, dry brittle skin and nails, hair loss

Here’s what helps treat symptoms of Blood deficiency

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Making Auto Immune Paleo Easier

Whether you’ve come across Autoimmune Paleo in your own research or advised to do it for health reasons, AIP is a great option to help your body heal.
We understand, for some people, it can be a little tricky to get your head around at first.

So we’re here to help!
Here are the ways to make this as smooth as possible

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What's helped my Endometriosis pain

Endometriosis - what a shitty condition!
As a Chinese Medicine Practitioner focussing on women’s health, I have to admit I felt embarrassed to have such painful periods. Shouldn’t my body be perfectly healthy? Here’s my journey & what has helped me be (relatively) symptom free.

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Can Autoimmune Paleo Diet Help with Your Autoimmune Condition?

In our clinic, we work with a lot of folks who have an autoimmune condition. What’s that, you say? An autoimmune condition is when the immune system is overstimulated and starts an all-out war on not just any invading bugs, but your own body!

Read our article to find out more.

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