Endometriosis and Depression: The Genetic Link Has Been Discovered

Okay. So, Traditional Chinese Medicine is at its heart a holistic healthcare system. As such, they’ve long understood the connections between symptoms in different parts of the body. It’s one of TCM’s many beauties and one of the reasons why we love it.

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Some examples of symptoms from different parts of the body connecting to form a diagnosis in Chinese Medicine are:

  • A person experiencing lightheadedness, cold hands and feet, and very light periods, the symptoms lead us to a holistic diagnosis of “blood deficiency.”

  • Someone with stabbing period pain, migraines and a very stressful job, guides us to a different diagnosis of “blood stagnation.”

It’s not always black and white and symptoms rarely all point to one diagnosis because we’re all individuals, but we are trained and taught to take the whole body into account; sort of a “whole of life” view, if you will.

It’s always a great day for us when Western Medical studies give us evidence of new disease connections, so we have to share this with you.

Endometriosis and Depression: What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is more common than you might think, more frustrating than you might realise unless you live with it, and quite difficult to diagnose. It’s a condition where endometrial (uterine lining) tissue is found outside the uterus. The tissue can behave as it would in the uterus, causing bleeding and pain in areas like the lower back, flank and lower abdomen. The pain can correspond with different parts of the menstrual cycle, with the worst pain often being around ovulation, just before or during periods.

Endometriosis and Depression: The Study

This 2020 Meta-Analysis Study has shown that there are genetic links between Endometriosis, Depression and issues related to the gut mucosa (the lining of the intestines).  In the past, observational studies have indicated that Endometriosis and Depression can co-occur. Their coinciding occurrence was considered to be environmental, implying that the pain from Endometriosis led to Depression.

What’s incredible about this study is that it shows there are genetic overlaps between the two conditions, which implies a biological link. The research also showed there were links with genes related to the gut lining, suggesting all three conditions are biologically related.

Inflammation is considered to be part of the problem.

This study could change the way medications are prescribed, or see diet-targeted treatments. Woohoo!

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For some of you, this news will be incredibly reassuring. It means any depression symptoms you’re experiencing alongside Endometriosis is not just due to the nature or severity of your condition. And while we all know on a surface level that it’s not - this isn’t just your depression heightening your physical pain. Both conditions are real, and related on a genetic level.

The Chinese Medicine Perspective

One of the complexities of Chinese Medicine and something that keeps us on our toes is that people with the same disease can have different diagnoses. Five patients may present with Endometriosis, Depression and IBS. All 5 would get a personalised treatment which would take into account even more aspects of their health.

Often, though, the Chinese Medicine diagnosis of Endometriosis is “Blood Stagnation”. Blood Stagnation means the blood and the Qi (energy) in the body aren’t flowing smoothly, causing pain and clotting.

There are a number of ways the blood can become ‘stagnated’ (such as cold, heat, blood deficiency/anaemia) and, over time, lead to imbalances in the Energetic “Heart” organ (controls emotions), leading to Depression.

The good news is that research into Endometriosis (and any associated conditions) is coming along in leaps and bounds and, while additional research is still needed, you can read a few studies on Endometriosis and Acupuncture here. We’ve also put together a whole lot of other interesting studies and research into Acupuncture and women’s health in general, in case you’d like to know more.

Always remember - a little self-care can help lift your mood, reduce stress in your life and so much more.

Come see us in the clinic to have a chat about your “whole of life” health!


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