Embrace Acupuncture

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Did you know that 20% of people will have at least one migraine in their lifetime? Did you also know that migraines are more common in women? Some women experience migraines regularly and they can be debilitating. If you’ve ever experienced even one migraine, you’ll know that pain at the back of your eyes and the feeling of your skull-splitting and the urgent need to find a cool, dark room and lie down.

We’re going to have a look at:

  • The Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine causes of Migraines

  • How we work with MIgraines

  • Our best tips for what you can do at home when you have a Migraine

And look out for some awesome research on this topic below!

Migraines in Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine, we see the sharp stabbing pain of migraines as what we call Blood stagnation

Our energy (Qi) and blood should literally be free-flowing to all the parts of our body and brains.

Stagnation is like a river being dammed and concentrating the flow
in one area at the expense of others

What causes Blood stagnation? Great question!

  • Blood deficiency (e.g. low iron). Not enough 'water' in the 'river' means it won't flow and will create 'puddles' instead of free flow.

  • Yang deficiency (being too cold -  often low iron or hypothyroidism). Cold constricts blood flow. That's why you use ice packs to reduce swelling! It literally reduces blood flow.

  • Yin deficiency (being too hot, often inflammation, chronic dehydration, hyperthyroidism or low iron again). Heat dries up fluid! So, your river puddles up instead of free-flowing

  • Qi (energy) stagnation - Constantly sitting or feeling frustrated will slow the flow of energy and blood - It physically reduces blood flow! This is also why so many women feel better after exercising.

People are different and so are the causes of migraines.

Knowing the Chinese Medicine cause of your migraines = the key to treating it!

Migraines and Nutrient/Hormonal issues

We’ve had a look at migraines in Chinese Medicine. Now, let’s take a look at the causes of migraines when it comes to nutrient deficiencies and hormone imbalances. 

Excess Oestrogen. There's a reason why migraine sufferers are 70% women. Excess oestrogen is also present right before your period.

There's also oestrogen receptors in your trigeminal nerve on the side of your head (who knew?!) that can constrict to cause menstrual migraines

  • Zinc deficiency. Zinc is needed to synthesise melatonin (needed for sleep and helpful for good egg quality), CoQ10 production and is needed to help regulate oestrogen levels

  • Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant so helps with sleep and softening head muscles. It also removes trapped Nitric Oxide (known to regulate brain blood flow and cause migraines)

  • Vitamin B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 also helps remove Nitric Oxide. People with MTHFR gene mutations and/or high homocysteine levels need more B6 than regular folk.

  • Iron deficiency. This is new to the scientific research field as a cause but there is research showing iron deficiency is linked with menstrual migraines

  • Excess Cortisol (stress hormone). Cortisol decreases absorption of key nutrients in the gut, makes your muscles tight, decreases blood flow to certain areas of the body and brain so that you are ready to 'fight or flight' AND decreases the regulators/transporters of copper and iron. Free copper and iron roaming around causes excess Nitric Oxide and damage to cells and nerves.


Here’s a fab research paper that puts all this and more, all together! We love our research papers ;)

Our Approach to Migraines

Here’s what we really want you to know. 

Seeing an Integrative Chinese Medicine Practitioner means
you get the best of both worlds!

Based on your migraine pattern and other symptoms you have going on, we work out what the Chinese Medicine cause of your migraines (stagnation) are, then work to treat it - easy!

  • We use Acupuncture to reduce pain and chronic headaches, soften muscles & reduce stress

  • We prescribe herbs based on your pattern (see above)

  • Based on your pattern, we will make diet and lifestyle recommendations suited to you, personally

  • We then work with your doctor to figure out which vitamin/mineral or hormone is causing the issue then work to correct it with monitored supplementation

That's 4 WAYS we are working on your migraines!! We think it’s incredibly important for health care providers to work together to find the best solution for you.

What You Can Do To Help

Get Acupuncture.


Systematic Reviews compile the findings of lots of Randomised Control Trials to give you an overview of what all the research is showing.

The conclusion in this SR found that Acupuncture reduced the frequency of migraine attacks compared with medication and 'fake' Acupuncture

 Come see us for some gentle, relaxing Acupuncture. We'll give you some herbs suited to your migraine pattern and we will work with your GP for blood tests to find out which nutrients you're needing to reduce your migraines.

What ELSE You Can Do To Help

If you're on the Pill or hormonal contraception, talk to your GP about if it may be contributing to your migraines. Some versions contain Oestrogen & some contain Progesterone only. 

  • Drink 2+ L water, more if you exercise. Dehydration is known to cause headaches

  • Eat LOTS of cooked leafy green veggies - full of magnesium!

  • Have a good activated multivitamin with lots of zinc, B6 & iron (unless you have Haemachromatosis). we love Naturobest even if you're not thinking about having babies.

  • Get 8+h sleep. Lack of sleep spikes cortisol levels during the day

 Know your safe levels. If you're going to grab a supplement or two without blood testing or monitoring by a health professional, ensure you're within the Upper Limits and go get blood tests asap to make sure all is good.

If you know someone who could use our help, forward this onto them!

Take Action against Migraines Today.