Is Insomnia during pregnancy normal? (what can you do?)

Often you expect to lose sleep when the baby arrives but it’s very common to also have insomnia during pregnancy, in fact many women do. But there are ways to help!

Is Insomnia during pregnancy normal?

Yes! And there are many reasons why a woman may have trouble sleeping during pregnancy. 

These can include:

- Nausea

- Increased urination at night

- Heartburn

- Difficulty changing positions in bed

- Musculoskeletal discomfort

- Stress and different emotions leading to motherhood (eg: getting the baby

room ready) and/or birthing

It is important to address insomnia at this time as it can exhaust the pregnant

woman, leaving her depleted for childbirth and postpartum recovery.

Prior to pregnancy some insomnia sufferers may have self-medicated with alcohol,

herbal remedies, or prescribed sleeping medications. However, these can no longer

be relied upon due to their contraindications during pregnancy.  Acupuncture can be

a treatment of choice to address insomnia, as we consider the individual’s needs and

suggest specific advice.

What can I do about Pregnancy Insomnia?

Below is a list of general treatment advice that may prove to be helpful: 

- Avoid caffeine (e.g. coffee, chocolate) or consume it before lunchtime

- Eat small meals a few hours before bed

- Reduce fluid intake before bedtime so you don’t wake up to urinate

- Engage in daily exercise to normalise sleeping patterns. Choose activities

that are gentle such as walking, restorative yoga (such as yin yoga) or tai chi

- Create a calming bedtime routine. Reduce screen time a few hours before

sleep or simply read/listen to something calming

- Speak to a caregiver or therapist if feelings of stress or worry arise

regarding the birth. Furthermore, birth preparation classes such as

“Hypnobirthing” or “Calm Birth” may help ease the mind and prepare for

birthing.  These can be taken from as early as 24 weeks onwards.

If you’re struggling with Pregnancy Insomnia and need some extra support, let us know!

Acupuncture is such a wonderful way to get the body out of fight or flight and into rest and recover mode. (see research on this here)


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