When is the best time to do Acupuncture with IVF?

Can Acupuncture actually help with IVF success rates?

If so, when is the best time to do Acupuncture with IVF?

People see us for IVF Acupuncture support when:

  1. You’ve done IVF for a couple of cycles and it hasn’t been successful yet

  2. This is your first cycle and you’re looking at Acupuncture to help support IVF

  3. You’re considering IVF soon and you’re thinking of doing Acupuncture as some preparation work

Either reason, we’ve got you covered.

See more on how we work with fertility including IVF.

Or if you’re ready to get started - book below.

So when should you start Acupuncture with IVF?

The short answer is - you can start as soon as you want to.

Acupuncture for fertility can support your body’s natural processes with or without IVF and it can be used to complement your IVF work in all parts of the cycle.

While there is research around Acupuncture just around IVF transfer improving success rates, the best results have been shown when people do weekly Acupuncture 3+ menstrual cycles before a stimulated or frozen cycle.

  • If you have an egg retrieval or transfer coming up soon, our focus is on increasing pelvic blood flow to regulate hormones, calm inflammation and thicken the uterine lining. We are always working to relax you and also working on the new eggs coming through.

  • If you have an egg retrieval or transfer in a few months or you are just looking into IVF, this is the perfect time to get started with Fertility Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. Both eggs and sperm take approximately 3 months to grow and come to maturity, so what you do now has the biggest benefits in 3 months time. We work with both partners where needed for best results. It really does take two to make a baby!

    Acupuncture can be used during a natural, timed, frozen, stimulated or down-regulation cycle.

    We specifically choose our Acupuncture points each session to complement the medications and where you’re at on IVF treatment plan.

    Chinese Medicine Holding Conception points are then used after transfer and during pregnancy.

    How does Acupuncture help with IVF?

Acupuncture calms your nervous system and increases pelvic blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. This is needed for adequate hormone production for egg maturity and lining quality (and works the same way for sperm quality too).

Research has shown improved Endometrial Receptivity, Oestrogen & Progesterone levels and clinical pregnancy rates with Acupuncture sessions close to retrieval and transfer including for women with PCOS and Ovarian insufficiency.

Acupuncture may also assist with side effects from fertility medication such as anxiety, hot flushes or difficulty sleeping.

One our favourite things about Fertility Acupuncture, is it works to reduce your stress hormones, leaving you feeling relaxed long after you’ve finished the treatment!

The best results come from 12 weeks+ whole system Acupuncture

(This means treating the person, not using protocol points)

It also has better results than Acupuncture just done around IVF transfer.

  • This 2015 study of 1069 women compared results for IVF only, IVF + day of transfer Acupuncture or IVF + 12 sessions+ of Acupuncture.

Findings showed higher birth rates (actual babies!) and lower miscarriage rates in the ‘Whole System Acupuncture’ 12+ sessions group.

  • This 2016 Trial supports the findings that there are measurable improvements for women with low ovarian reserve who do Acupuncture 2+ menstrual cycles before IVF.

(Improvements were measured as Oestrogen levels, eggs retrieved and clinical pregnancy rates compared with IVF alone.)

See here for even more research.

Acupuncture is a beautiful way to relax and rebalance your body either before, during or after IVF cycles.

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