The Benefits of Somatic Therapy

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic Therapy proposes that life experiences are not only stored in your mind, but also in your body and nervous system.

When combined with Acupuncture, Somatic Therapy is a gentle way to gain greater clarity, to settle and ground the mind & body in preparation for treatment.

This results in even deeper healing and longer-lasting effects.

See more on how we work with Acupuncture for Emotional Wellbeing.

When is beneficial to do Somatic Therapy?

Any time you like!

Somatic Therapy can support patients during transformational times in life and assist in releasing stuck emotions and physical health concerns.

Somatic Therapy brings calm during stressful times by deeply regulating the nervous system.

The treatment allows the mind & body to transition from a heightened stress response of fight or flight to a place of ease and grace.

Somatic Therapy creates an opportunity to safely slow down amid the daily chaos.

It also allows for a greater connection to inner sensations, deeper feelings, better boundaries & more self-acceptance.

Somatic Therapy invites the body’s instinctual intelligence and wisdom to come to the surface...

What happens in a Somatic Therapy session?

A session with Diana begins with a brief discussion regarding your current state of well-being and where you feel a shift is needed.

You are then seated in a comfortable position and guided into a meditative state while being invited to notice any sensations in your body and how it is being felt.

Depending on the session, there will be different processes used including:

  • grounding

  • calling on emotional resources and tools to help calm oneself

  • inner sensing

  • heart and womb connection

  • strengthening of boundaries

You are then invited to move onto the table to receive beautiful healing Acupuncture.

A perfect combination.


Somatic Therapy is offered as a face-to-face appointment with Acupuncture or as a stand-alone online session.


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