What Period Pain is normal?

Menstrual health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet many individuals endure symptoms like painful or heavy periods, mood swings, or sore breasts, often accepting them as a normal part of life.

However, these symptoms can be signs of underlying issues

If these symptoms sound familiar, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support your journey to better menstrual health and understanding.

What can my Cycle tell me?

Navigating menstrual health can be challenging, as each person’s experience is unique and what is considered ‘normal’ can vary widely. Many of us have accepted symptoms like painful/heavy periods, mood swings, or sore breasts as part of life.


On average, a woman menstruates for about 5-7 days each month.  That's roughly 60-80 days a year.


I like to view your period as a report card for your hormonal health. 

This is an important indicator of how well your body is functioning. Painful periods are not a normal part of menstruation and should not be accepted as such.

While many women tolerate uncomfortable symptoms, often resorting to over-the-counter pain relievers to manage daily activities, these symptoms can be important signals from your body.

They may indicate hormonal imbalances or undiagnosed conditions such as

  • Anemia

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Thyroid imbalances

  • Fibroids

How we can help you

Whether you are newly experiencing uncomfortable periods or have been living with them since menarche (your first period), you don’t have to put up with them alone.

We provide a supportive environment where you can discuss your symptoms openly and without judgment.

In our sessions, we aim to empower you with knowledge and help you develop a deeper understanding of your body, feeling informed and in tune with your health.

What symptoms are NOT normal?

The following symptoms are not normal, and you don’t have to endure them during your menstruating years:

  • Menorrhagia - heavy periods (needing to change your pad or tampon every 2-3 hours)

  • Dysmenorrhoea - painful periods

  • Clots

  • Irregular periods

  • Amenorrhoea - absent periods

  • Long periods - bleeding for more than 5 days

  • Spotting

  • Mood swings, depression, or anxiety around your period, sometimes even 2 weeks before!

  • Dizziness/Nausea/Vomiting

  • Acne

  • Fatigue

  • Abdominal pain

Acupuncture offers a natural approach to regulating menstrual cycles, reducing pain, and addressing hormonal imbalances. By focusing on key points, Acupuncture helps restore harmony to the reproductive system. See more on how we help Period Pain & Endometriosis.

Listening and understanding your cycle is very important to understanding your Hormone Health and even Overall Health.

See more on how we work with your Hormone Health

Also see more helpful blogs and tips.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, reach out for support today.


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