"That" part of the Journey: Can Menopause Be Easier
Uncomfortable pads, leaking, cramping and all those things, you’d think it’d be a great thing the day you finish up with all that! If you’ve started on “that” part of the Menopause journey, and are now finding yourself overheating or not sleeping well - read our post on how to make life a little easier.
Can Autoimmune Paleo Diet Help with Your Autoimmune Condition?
In our clinic, we work with a lot of folks who have an autoimmune condition. What’s that, you say? An autoimmune condition is when the immune system is overstimulated and starts an all-out war on not just any invading bugs, but your own body!
Read our article to find out more.
Endometriosis and Depression: The Genetic Link Has Been Discovered
It’s always a great day for us when Western Medical studies give us evidence of new disease connections, so we have written this article to share this news with you.
How to Choose the Best Prenatal Vitamin
With so many choices and so much competing advice out there, how do you know which multivitamins to choose? Easy! We’ve put together a checklist.
It doesn’t get much easier than a checklist! Read this article to find out more.
Ladies, Let's Talk Spotting
Let’s get intimate and talk about spotting. In this article, we’re going to answer all those burning questions you never knew you always wanted to ask. Come visit us to check on your hormonal health.
Pregnant Ladies! Self-Care for Carpal Tunnel
So what is Carpal Tunnel during pregnancy? What can you do to get some relief at home? In this article, we talk about Carpal Tunnel and how you can relieve carpal tunnel symptoms in pregnancy.
Polycystic Ovaries Know Your Type - Find Your Treatment
In Part 1 of PCO(S), we explained the differences between PCO and PCOS and how to get diagnosed.
In this article, we’re going to explain the different types of Polycystic Ovaries in Integrative Chinese Medicine and why knowing your type changes your treatments.
Why Is My Period Early Again?
Is this a question you’ve found yourself asking frequently? For some of you, it feels like as soon as your period is finished, you’re only a week or two from getting your next one. On top of that, you might find your PMS symptoms are starting a week or more before your period is expected. None of this is much fun at all! Read this article to find out more:
Fertility Mucus: Let’s talk about it!
Fertility can be a really complex topic. But never fear! Nature is a great designer!
Not many people really have the guts to talk about fertility mucus, but read on for a no-holds-barred discussion about fertility mucus, what it does and how it helps with baby making!
Pregnant Ladies! Self Care for Morning Sickness
Looking for that pregnancy glow, but just not feeling it?Here is some hot tips to help manage some of the not-so-glamorous aspects of pregnancy, like Heartburn and Morning Sickness