Micro Meditation: A Heart Focus

At Embrace, we're dedicated to enhancing your well-being, especially between Acupuncture sessions.

Since we see you briefly each week, what you do outside your appointments significantly impacts your health.

We hope this blog brings a wave of calm into your week!

See more about how we work with Acupuncture for Emotional Wellbeing.

Like to feel even calmer?

Heart Focused Meditation

We know that life can be stressful for so many different reasons. 

Lately, in the clinic I have been sharing this Heart Focused Meditation that only takes 3-5 minutes but can have profound effects. I find it's a great way to help you slow down, find your centre, and reconnect with yourself.

I like to do it:

  • in bed before sleep

  • first thing in the morning

  • during the day to help find my centre.

Steps for Heart-Focused Meditation:

Find a quiet uninterrupted spot for 3-5 minutes

1.     Place your hand on your heart and gently close your eyes.

2.     Bring all your awareness to your heart space.  Feel the pressure and warmth of your hand over your heart.

3.     Breathe through your heart area, breathing a little deeper than normal. 

4.     Notice how long your inner breath lasts and add another 2 counts to your outer breath.  Do this for a few minutes.

5.     Now bring to your awareness a memory that brings you joy while still breathing through your heart space.  It can be a pet, family member, nature spot or even food.  Do this for a few minutes.

Repeat at least twice daily and notice how it makes you feel.

How it helps you

The Heart Focused Meditation is created and studied by the HeartMath Institute.  By consciously directing our focus to the heart and engaging in coherent breathing patterns, we can:

  • Balance the Autonomic Nervous System: Heart Focused Meditation helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, promoting calm and relaxation.

  • Reduce Stress Levels: By synchronizing the breath with positive emotions, we can reduce stress levels and counteract the effects of the body's stress response.

  • Enhance Emotional Resilience: Regular practice of Heart Focused Meditation strengthens the heart-brain connection, enhancing emotional resilience and promoting overall well-being.

    The Heart Focused Breathing offers a simple and profound pathway to inner balance and resilience. Helping us navigate life's challenges with greater ease, and grace, and cultivate a sense of peace that radiates from within.

Hope this helps to show how a little calm can go a long way!

Check out this blog on Somatic Therapy which we incorporate with Acupuncture for even deeper calm.

See how we work in general with Acupuncture for Stress & Anxiety.

Learn more about Diana.

Or like to just get started?


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