Cosmetic Acupuncture, Skin Dr Katie Molloy Cosmetic Acupuncture, Skin Dr Katie Molloy

What’s your skin telling you?

In Chinese Medicine, your skin gives you so many clues about what’s happening in your body.

  • Did you know that flushed cheeks in the afternoon might be a sign of Yin deficiency ?

  • Ever notice a difference in your skin the day after drinking wine or eating cheese?

  • That monthly break out on your chin?

    It all forms part of the bigger picture that we get to the bottom of

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Pregnancy Dr Danielle Maguire Pregnancy Dr Danielle Maguire

Acupuncture for turning Breech Babies

Up to 7% of babies are in Breech Position by 32 weeks and with the current standard of care involving ECV manual turning or cesarian birth, many people are looking for an alternative!

We cover the latest research on Acupuncture for Breech Position, whats involved and when the best time to do it is

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Fertility Dr Diana Segovia Arcella Fertility Dr Diana Segovia Arcella

Are you timing right for fertility?

Timing is so important when it comes to fertility.

How do you know what your fertile window is?

How do you know when you are ovulating?

What happens if your cycles are irregular or you have PCOS?

We answer this and more!

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Pregnancy Dr Danielle Maguire Pregnancy Dr Danielle Maguire

What I found most helpful in my pregnancy

In my job, I’m beyond lucky to have access to so much Chinese Medicine wisdom and Functional Medicine information which has helped me so much.

I’m also incredibly grateful to have worked with so many strong, smart, incredible women who have shared their discoveries with me too.

Now I get to pass them on to you.

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